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Interface IResourceDefinition<TResource, TId>


Provides an extensibility point to add business logic that is resource-oriented instead of endpoint-oriented.

public interface IResourceDefinition<TResource, in TId> where TResource : class, IIdentifiable<in TId>

Type Parameters


The resource type.


The resource identifier type.



Enables to add JSON:API meta information, specific to this resource.

IDictionary<string, object?>? GetMeta(TResource resource)


resource TResource


IDictionary<string, object>

OnAddToRelationshipAsync(TResource, HasManyAttribute, ISet<IIdentifiable>, CancellationToken)

Executes before adding resources to the right side of a to-many relationship, as part of a POST relationship request.

Implementing this method enables to perform validations and make changes to rightResourceIds, before the relationship is updated.

Task OnAddToRelationshipAsync(TResource leftResource, HasManyAttribute hasManyRelationship, ISet<IIdentifiable> rightResourceIds, CancellationToken cancellationToken)


leftResource TResource

Identifier of the left resource. The indication "left" specifies that hasManyRelationship is declared on TResource. In contrast to other relationship methods, this value is not retrieved from the underlying data store, except in the following two cases:

  • hasManyRelationship is a many-to-many relationship. This is required to prevent failure when already assigned.
  • The left resource type is part of a type hierarchy. This ensures your business logic runs against the actually stored type.
hasManyRelationship HasManyAttribute

The to-many relationship being added to.

rightResourceIds ISet<IIdentifiable>

The set of resource identifiers to add to the to-many relationship, coming from the request.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

Propagates notification that request handling should be canceled.




Enables to extend, replace or remove a filter that is being applied on a set of this resource type.

FilterExpression? OnApplyFilter(FilterExpression? existingFilter)


existingFilter FilterExpression

An optional existing filter, coming from query string. Can be null.



The new filter, or null to disable the existing filter.


Enables to extend, replace or remove includes that are being applied on this resource type.

IImmutableSet<IncludeElementExpression> OnApplyIncludes(IImmutableSet<IncludeElementExpression> existingIncludes)


existingIncludes IImmutableSet<IncludeElementExpression>

An optional existing set of includes, coming from query string. Never null, but may be empty.



The new set of includes. Return an empty collection to remove all inclusions (never return null).


Enables to extend, replace or remove pagination that is being applied on a set of this resource type.

PaginationExpression? OnApplyPagination(PaginationExpression? existingPagination)


existingPagination PaginationExpression

An optional existing pagination, coming from query string. Can be null.



The changed pagination, or null to use the first page with default size from options. To disable pagination, set PageSize to null.


Enables to extend, replace or remove a sort order that is being applied on a set of this resource type. Tip: Use CreateSortExpressionFromLambda(PropertySortOrder) to build from a lambda expression.

SortExpression? OnApplySort(SortExpression? existingSort)


existingSort SortExpression

An optional existing sort order, coming from query string. Can be null.



The new sort order, or null to disable the existing sort order and sort by ID.


Enables to extend, replace or remove a sparse fieldset that is being applied on a set of this resource type. Tip: Use Including<TResource>(SparseFieldSetExpression?, Expression<Func<TResource, object?>>, IResourceGraph) and Excluding<TResource>(SparseFieldSetExpression?, Expression<Func<TResource, object?>>, IResourceGraph) to safely change the fieldset without worrying about nulls.

SparseFieldSetExpression? OnApplySparseFieldSet(SparseFieldSetExpression? existingSparseFieldSet)


existingSparseFieldSet SparseFieldSetExpression

The incoming sparse fieldset from query string. At query execution time, this is null if the query string contains no sparse fieldset. At serialization time, this contains all viewable fields if the query string contains no sparse fieldset.



The new sparse fieldset, or null to discard the existing sparse fieldset and select all viewable fields.


This method executes twice for a single request: first to select which fields to retrieve from the data store and then to select which fields to serialize. Including extra fields from this method will retrieve them, but not include them in the json output. This enables you to expose calculated properties whose value depends on a field that is not in the sparse fieldset.


Executes after a resource has been deserialized from an incoming request body.

void OnDeserialize(TResource resource)


resource TResource

The deserialized resource.

OnPrepareWriteAsync(TResource, WriteOperationKind, CancellationToken)

Executes after the original version of the resource has been retrieved from the underlying data store, as part of a write request.

Implementing this method enables to perform validations and make changes to resource, before the fields from the request are copied into it.

For POST resource requests, this method is typically used to assign property default values or to set required relationships by side-loading the related resources and linking them.

Task OnPrepareWriteAsync(TResource resource, WriteOperationKind writeOperation, CancellationToken cancellationToken)


resource TResource

The original resource retrieved from the underlying data store, or a freshly instantiated resource in case of a POST resource request.

writeOperation WriteOperationKind

Identifies the logical write operation for which this method was called. Possible values: CreateResource, UpdateResource, SetRelationship and RemoveFromRelationship. Note this intentionally excludes DeleteResource and AddToRelationship, because for those endpoints no resource is retrieved upfront.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

Propagates notification that request handling should be canceled.




Enables to adapt the Entity Framework Core IQueryable<T> query, based on custom query string parameters. Note this only works on primary resource requests, such as /articles, but not on /blogs/1/articles or /blogs?include=articles.

QueryStringParameterHandlers<TResource>? OnRegisterQueryableHandlersForQueryStringParameters()




protected override QueryStringParameterHandlers OnRegisterQueryableHandlersForQueryStringParameters()
    return new QueryStringParameterHandlers
        ["isActive"] = (source, parameterValue) => source
            .Include(model => model.Children)
            .Where(model => model.LastUpdateTime > DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-1)),
        ["isHighRisk"] = FilterByHighRisk

private static IQueryable<Model> FilterByHighRisk(IQueryable<Model> source, StringValues parameterValue)
    bool isFilterOnHighRisk = bool.Parse(parameterValue);
    return isFilterOnHighRisk ? source.Where(model => model.RiskLevel >= 5) : source.Where(model => model.RiskLevel < 5);

OnRemoveFromRelationshipAsync(TResource, HasManyAttribute, ISet<IIdentifiable>, CancellationToken)

Executes before removing resources from the right side of a to-many relationship, as part of a DELETE relationship request.

Implementing this method enables to perform validations and make changes to rightResourceIds, before the relationship is updated.

Task OnRemoveFromRelationshipAsync(TResource leftResource, HasManyAttribute hasManyRelationship, ISet<IIdentifiable> rightResourceIds, CancellationToken cancellationToken)


leftResource TResource

Identifier of the left resource. The indication "left" specifies that hasManyRelationship is declared on TResource. In contrast to other relationship methods, only the left ID and only the subset of right resources to be removed are retrieved from the underlying data store.

hasManyRelationship HasManyAttribute

The to-many relationship being removed from.

rightResourceIds ISet<IIdentifiable>

The set of resource identifiers to remove from the to-many relationship, coming from the request.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

Propagates notification that request handling should be canceled.




Executes before a (primary or included) resource is serialized into an outgoing response body.

void OnSerialize(TResource resource)


resource TResource

The serialized resource.

OnSetToManyRelationshipAsync(TResource, HasManyAttribute, ISet<IIdentifiable>, WriteOperationKind, CancellationToken)

Executes before setting the resources at the right side of a to-many relationship. This replaces on existing set.

Implementing this method enables to perform validations and make changes to rightResourceIds, before the relationship is updated.

Task OnSetToManyRelationshipAsync(TResource leftResource, HasManyAttribute hasManyRelationship, ISet<IIdentifiable> rightResourceIds, WriteOperationKind writeOperation, CancellationToken cancellationToken)


leftResource TResource

The original resource as retrieved from the underlying data store. The indication "left" specifies that hasManyRelationship is declared on TResource.

hasManyRelationship HasManyAttribute

The to-many relationship being set.

rightResourceIds ISet<IIdentifiable>

The set of resource identifiers to replace any existing set with, coming from the request.

writeOperation WriteOperationKind

Identifies the logical write operation for which this method was called. Possible values: CreateResource, UpdateResource and SetRelationship.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

Propagates notification that request handling should be canceled.



OnSetToOneRelationshipAsync(TResource, HasOneAttribute, IIdentifiable?, WriteOperationKind, CancellationToken)

Executes before setting (or clearing) the resource at the right side of a to-one relationship.

Implementing this method enables to perform validations and change rightResourceId, before the relationship is updated.

Task<IIdentifiable?> OnSetToOneRelationshipAsync(TResource leftResource, HasOneAttribute hasOneRelationship, IIdentifiable? rightResourceId, WriteOperationKind writeOperation, CancellationToken cancellationToken)


leftResource TResource

The original resource as retrieved from the underlying data store. The indication "left" specifies that hasOneRelationship is declared on TResource.

hasOneRelationship HasOneAttribute

The to-one relationship being set.

rightResourceId IIdentifiable

The new resource identifier (or null to clear the relationship), coming from the request.

writeOperation WriteOperationKind

Identifies the logical write operation for which this method was called. Possible values: CreateResource, UpdateResource and SetRelationship.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

Propagates notification that request handling should be canceled.



The replacement resource identifier, or null to clear the relationship. Returns rightResourceId by default.

OnWriteSucceededAsync(TResource, WriteOperationKind, CancellationToken)

Executes after successfully writing the changed resource to the underlying data store, as part of a write request.

Implementing this method enables to run additional logic, for example enqueue a notification message on a service bus.

Task OnWriteSucceededAsync(TResource resource, WriteOperationKind writeOperation, CancellationToken cancellationToken)


resource TResource

The resource as written to the underlying data store.

writeOperation WriteOperationKind

Identifies the logical write operation for which this method was called. Possible values: CreateResource, UpdateResource, DeleteResource, SetRelationship , AddToRelationship and RemoveFromRelationship.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

Propagates notification that request handling should be canceled.



OnWritingAsync(TResource, WriteOperationKind, CancellationToken)

Executes before writing the changed resource to the underlying data store, as part of a write request.

Implementing this method enables to perform validations and make changes to resource, after the fields from the request have been copied into it.

An example usage is to set the last-modification timestamp, overwriting the value from the incoming request.

Another use case is to add a notification message to an outbox table, which gets committed along with the resource write in a single transaction (see

Task OnWritingAsync(TResource resource, WriteOperationKind writeOperation, CancellationToken cancellationToken)


resource TResource

The original resource retrieved from the underlying data store (or a freshly instantiated resource in case of a POST resource request), updated with the changes from the incoming request. Exception: In case writeOperation is DeleteResource, AddToRelationship or RemoveFromRelationship, this is an empty object with only the Id property set, because for those endpoints no resource is retrieved upfront.

writeOperation WriteOperationKind

Identifies the logical write operation for which this method was called. Possible values: CreateResource, UpdateResource, DeleteResource, SetRelationship , AddToRelationship and RemoveFromRelationship.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

Propagates notification that request handling should be canceled.

