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Errors returned will contain only the properties that are set on the ErrorObject class. Custom fields can be added through ErrorObject.Meta. You can create a custom error by throwing a JsonApiException (which accepts an ErrorObject instance), or returning an ErrorObject instance from an ActionResult in a controller. Please keep in mind that JSON:API requires Title to be a generic message, while Detail should contain information about the specific problem occurence.

From a controller method:

return Conflict(new ErrorObject(HttpStatusCode.Conflict)
    Title = "Target resource was modified by another user.",
    Detail = $"User {userName} changed the {resourceField} field on {resourceName} resource."

From other code:

throw new JsonApiException(new ErrorObject(HttpStatusCode.Conflict)
    Title = "Target resource was modified by another user.",
    Detail = $"User {userName} changed the {resourceField} field on {resourceName} resource."

In both cases, the middleware will properly serialize it and return it as a JSON:API error.

Exception handling

The translation of user-defined exceptions to error responses can be customized by registering your own handler. This handler is also the place to choose the log level and message, based on the exception type.

public class ProductOutOfStockException : Exception
    public int ProductId { get; }

    public ProductOutOfStockException(int productId)
        ProductId = productId;

public class CustomExceptionHandler : ExceptionHandler
    public CustomExceptionHandler(ILoggerFactory loggerFactory, IJsonApiOptions options)
        : base(loggerFactory, options)

    protected override LogLevel GetLogLevel(Exception exception)
        if (exception is ProductOutOfStockException)
            return LogLevel.Information;

        return base.GetLogLevel(exception);

    protected override string GetLogMessage(Exception exception)
        if (exception is ProductOutOfStockException productOutOfStock)
            return $"Product {productOutOfStock.ProductId} is currently unavailable.";

        return base.GetLogMessage(exception);

    protected override IReadOnlyList<ErrorObject> CreateErrorResponse(Exception exception)
        if (exception is ProductOutOfStockException productOutOfStock)
            return new[]
                new ErrorObject(HttpStatusCode.Conflict)
                    Title = "Product is temporarily available.",
                    Detail = $"Product {productOutOfStock.ProductId} " +
                        "cannot be ordered at the moment."

        return base.CreateErrorResponse(exception);

// Program.cs
builder.Services.AddScoped<IExceptionHandler, CustomExceptionHandler>();