Table of Contents

Global Options

Configuration can be applied when adding services to the dependency injection container at startup.

// Program.cs
builder.Services.AddJsonApi<AppDbContext>(options =>
    // Configure the options here...

Client-generated IDs

By default, the server will respond with a 403 Forbidden HTTP Status Code if a POST request is received with a client-generated ID.

However, this can be allowed or required globally (for all resource types) by setting ClientIdGeneration in options:

options.ClientIdGeneration = ClientIdGenerationMode.Allowed;


options.ClientIdGeneration = ClientIdGenerationMode.Required;

It is possible to overrule this setting per resource type:

[Resource(ClientIdGeneration = ClientIdGenerationMode.Required)]
public class Article : Identifiable<Guid>
    // ...

JsonApiDotNetCore versions before v5.4.0 only provided the global AllowClientGeneratedIds boolean property.


The default page size used for all resources can be overridden in options (10 by default). To disable pagination, set it to null. The maximum page size and number allowed from client requests can be set too (unconstrained by default).

You can also include the total number of resources in each response.


Including the total number of resources adds some overhead, because the count is fetched in a separate query.

options.DefaultPageSize = new PageSize(25);
options.MaximumPageSize = new PageSize(100);
options.MaximumPageNumber = new PageNumber(50);
options.IncludeTotalResourceCount = true;

To retrieve the total number of resources on secondary and relationship endpoints, the reverse of the relationship must to be available. For example, in GET /customers/1/orders, both the relationships [HasMany] Customer.Orders and [HasOne] Order.Customer must be defined. If IncludeTotalResourceCount is set to false (or the inverse relationship is unavailable on a non-primary endpoint), best-effort pagination links are returned instead. This means no last link and the next link only occurs when the current page is full.

All links are absolute by default. However, you can configure relative links:

options.UseRelativeLinks = true;
  "type": "articles",
  "id": "4309",
  "relationships": {
     "author": {
       "links": {
         "self": "/articles/4309/relationships/author",
         "related": "/articles/4309/author"

Unknown Query String Parameters

If you would like to allow unknown query string parameters (parameters not reserved by the JSON:API specification or registered using resource definitions), you can set AllowUnknownQueryStringParameters = true. When set to false (the default), an HTTP 400 Bad Request is returned for unknown query string parameters.

options.AllowUnknownQueryStringParameters = true;

Maximum include depth

To limit the maximum depth of nested includes, use MaximumIncludeDepth. This is null by default, which means unconstrained. If set and a request exceeds the limit, an HTTP 400 Bad Request is returned.

options.MaximumIncludeDepth = 1;

Customize Serializer options

We use System.Text.Json for all serialization needs. If you want to change the default serializer options, you can:

options.SerializerOptions.WriteIndented = true;
options.SerializerOptions.ReferenceHandler = ReferenceHandler.Preserve;
options.SerializerOptions.Converters.Add(new JsonStringEnumConverter());

The default naming convention (as used in the routes and resource/attribute/relationship names) is also determined here, and can be changed (default is camel-case):

// Use Pascal case
options.SerializerOptions.PropertyNamingPolicy = null;
options.SerializerOptions.DictionaryKeyPolicy = null;

Because we copy resource properties into an intermediate object before serialization, JSON annotations such as [JsonPropertyName] and [JsonIgnore] on [Attr] properties are ignored.

ModelState Validation

ASP.NET ModelState validation can be used to validate incoming request bodies when creating and updating resources. Since v5.0, this is enabled by default. When ValidateModelState is set to false, no model validation is performed.

How nullability affects ModelState validation is described here.

options.ValidateModelState = true;
#nullable enable

public class Person : Identifiable<int>
    public string FirstName { get; set; } = null!;

    public int? Age { get; set; }

    public LoginAccount Account { get; set; } = null!;