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since v4.1

The Atomic Operations JSON:API extension defines how to perform multiple write operations in a linear and atomic manner.

Clients can send an array of operations in a single request. JsonApiDotNetCore guarantees that those operations will be processed in order and will either completely succeed or fail together.

On failure, the zero-based index of the failing operation is returned in the error.source.pointer field of the error response.


To enable operations, add a controller to your project that inherits from JsonApiOperationsController or BaseJsonApiOperationsController:

public sealed class OperationsController : JsonApiOperationsController
    public OperationsController(IJsonApiOptions options, IResourceGraph resourceGraph,
        ILoggerFactory loggerFactory, IOperationsProcessor processor,
        IJsonApiRequest request, ITargetedFields targetedFields)
        : base(options, resourceGraph, loggerFactory, processor, request, targetedFields)

You'll need to send the next Content-Type in a POST request for operations:

application/vnd.api+json; ext=""

Local IDs

Local IDs (lid) can be used to associate resources that have not yet been assigned an ID. The next example creates two resources and sets a relationship between them:

POST http://localhost/api/operations HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json;ext=""

  "atomic:operations": [
      "op": "add",
      "data": {
        "type": "musicTracks",
        "lid": "id-for-i-will-survive",
        "attributes": {
          "title": "I will survive"
      "op": "add",
      "data": {
        "type": "performers",
        "lid": "id-for-gloria-gaynor",
        "attributes": {
          "artistName": "Gloria Gaynor"
      "op": "update",
      "ref": {
        "type": "musicTracks",
        "lid": "id-for-i-will-survive",
        "relationship": "performers"
      "data": [
          "type": "performers",
          "lid": "id-for-gloria-gaynor"

For example requests, see our suite of tests in JsonApiDotNetCoreTests.IntegrationTests.AtomicOperations.


The maximum number of operations per request defaults to 10, which you can change at startup:

// Program.cs
builder.Services.AddJsonApi(options => options.MaximumOperationsPerRequest = 250);

Or, if you want to allow unconstrained, set it to null instead.

Multiple controllers

You can register multiple operations controllers using custom routes, for example:

[DisableRoutingConvention, Route("/operations/musicTracks/create")]
public sealed class CreateMusicTrackOperationsController : JsonApiOperationsController
    public override async Task<IActionResult> PostOperationsAsync(
        IList<OperationContainer> operations, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

        return await base.PostOperationsAsync(operations, cancellationToken);


For our atomic:operations implementation, the next limitations apply:

  • The ref.href field cannot be used. Use type/id or type/lid instead.
  • You cannot both assign and reference the same local ID in a single operation.
  • All repositories used in an operations request must implement IRepositorySupportsTransaction and participate in the same transaction.
  • If you're not using Entity Framework Core, you'll need to implement and register IOperationsTransactionFactory yourself.